Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Sound, Stress, Healing, Listening and Love

Music and sound are powerful.
I have always admired the musician who plays the music able to penetrate  my core.  And all non-verbal. That is powerful indeed.
I am not sure that I have had the same experience provided by the many fine pieces of art that I have experienced, literature, or a production, a meal or a smell. (I think that the olfactory sense may be just after sound)
Music comes close to love, in my book.
Music may be the pinnacle of pure expression and, in turn, evokes an equally pure reaction.
What else but music can annoy, energize, relax, act as a soporific or adrenaline? It is a drug!
Science has finally caught up with the rest of us who already know that sound is a potent force for good or bad.  Research shows that deep relaxation is able to heal the body and mind. Many people have found music and sound to be the vehicle that provides such deep states of relaxation. There are some serious quantum physics in those notes.

To read more about sounds and healing, check out this wesite:

Lately, I have become frustrated at dining establishments where the canned music is pumped up so loud that it is impossible to converse with a companion. I think that kind of unwelcome sound (or noise) is the height of bad manners.
Another thought that comes to mind is the very sad truth that most people need to be heard. This requires someone to listen. Is this an art or a courtesy  that has gone the way of the dinosaur? It costs nothing to listen. It means everything to the person who seemingly speaks and no one hears. There are far too many talkers and not enough listeners.
So, let us be careful what we put in our ears while cultivating the art of listening.
That is love.
In Truth and Beauty....

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