"The best thing for being sad, replied Merlin, is to learn something.
That's the only thing that never
T. H. White
J.C. Callahan, Sr. Family
New York, ca late 1920s
Today, in the United States, we celebrate "Father's Day".
I have long contended that many of these holidays are conjured up by greeting card companies. After all, we should honor our Mother and Father (and all beings) EVERY day.
Putting my personal opinions aside about all that which keeps the wheels of commerce turning, I could write a novel based on my Dad. Instead, I will keep this post short and sweet.
Not a day goes by without thoughts of my Dad. These thoughts typically revolve around how much I truly love and sadly miss him, but also how grateful I am for having the many, bountiful advantages of being one of his children.
My Father was an exceptionally accomplished, yet humble man.
His youngest sister said it best when I delivered the news that he had passed. Aunt Helen stated, with sad conviction (after an audible gasp), "Oh .... he was such a good man".
This statement has stuck with me for the 20 years since my Dad has been gone. I have learned that this is, perhaps the highest praise that can be bestowed upon a person.
J.C. (as he was familiarly known) was more than a good brother, a good father, a good husband, a good son, a good uncle, a good grandfather, a good worker ....
My Dad was a good man.
Photograph courtesy of the Author.
James C. Callahan, Jr. is seated to the left side of his own father.